Hellenic Army Armament Programs

Hellenic Army Armament Programs

A large scale procurement program for the improvement and modernisation of the Hellenic Armed Forces is under way for the next few years. As about the Army, the most important programs are as following:


New Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
The major armament program for Hellenic Army Infantry Units is the new Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). The program is about 205 new IFV’s for Hellenic Army Mechanized Battalions.

New Wheeled Fighting Vehicle Wheeled
Moreover 100 new Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles are to be selected soon.

New Anti-Tank weapons.
One of the most important programs of Hellenic Army is for new Anti-Tank weapons. At this program there are specific needs for new Anti-Tank weapons of all ranges (short, medium and long). For high range Hellenic Army is negotiating with the Israeli company Rafael for a total number of 27 SPIKE NLOS systems.

Two additional programs for new short and medium range Anti-Tank weapons aim to replace all old soviet short range anti-tank weapons like RPG-18 and the old USA made short range anti-tank weapons LAW with modern short range anti-tank weapons.
Concurrently the Hellenic Army General Staff aims to replace all old soviet medium range anti-tank weapons like FAGOT and all MILAN systems with modern medium range anti-tank weapons.

New mortars 120mm
Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to buy new mortars 120mm on modern armored vehicles, to replace the old Μ106A1/A2 with 107mm mortars with brand new 120mm mortars.

New rifle
Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to buy 10.000 new rifles to replace a number of old Heckler and Koch G3A3 rifles with modern rifles for the Infantry Mechanized Battalions. Total cost 20 million euro. At second phase Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to buy additional 10.000 new rifles at the end of the decade.

Modernization program of rifles G3A3
Hellenic Army General Staff plans also modernization of 10.000 rifles G3A3 in cooperation with the state owned Hellenic Defense Systems as prime contractor.

New equipement for modern soldier
Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to acquire new equipment for modern warfare such as ballistic protection plate carriers, level III and level IV anti-ballistic plates, chest rigs, assault backpacks, anti-ballistic goggles, modern anti-ballistic helmets, and tactical gloves for 20.000 Hellenic Army Infantry soldiers.

New thermal and Night Vision sights for rifles and heavy infantry weapons
Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to acquire new thermal and Night Vision aiming systems for 10.000 G3A3 rifles, 2.000 Minimi and 1.000 M2HB machine guns and for GMG-40 grenade launchers. Also 200 new aiming systems for anti-tank weapons will be acquired to replace old MIRA and MILIS sights.

Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to acquire new UAV to equip all Mechanized Battalions and Infantry Units for reconnaissance.

New communication systems
Hellenic Army wants to buy new communications systems for Infantry battalions and especially at squad level, platoon, and battalions.

Loitering munitions
Hellenic Army General Staff is planning to acquire 150 new loitering munitions systems.

Training and Simulation
Hellenic Army wants to establish a new realistic simulating systems at Battalion and Mechanized Brigade level for training in order to prepare Infantry soldiers for modern field and urban warfare.